The False Consensus Effect happens when people in a group reinforce each other's mistaken beliefs, making them more convinced they are right, even when they are not. It often involves confirmation bias (only seeing evidence that supports their belief) and/or mob mentality (people getting swept up in the group's emotions and acting irrationally).

"that guy" bingo

check rules and print yours:

Print your bingo grid and participate in the next1 "that guy" bingo to win

Ihr spinnt.

If you really have doubts that rumor is complete bullshit, I'm always open to have a talk (you know, what adults do) and rationally explain to anyone how nonsensical that whole situation is.

If you however finally came to that conclusion and you're as good a person as you were hoping to be when you started stalking/harassing me for no reason, I strongly hope you will muster the courage to apologize3 (yeah, that might hurt a little bit) to me and my friends (even though they don't believe me nor feel/see you, you're still doing it) for being a shitty person for so long (harassing, stalking, spreading rumor, faking friendship, all of that hidden so I pass for a crazy boy... I can't even understand how any club orga/party orga/security team trained in awareness can let that happen at this scale).

I've been a good boy until now and have been open from the very beginning about the fact that I see you. Saying "hi", sending "winks" and "little hearts" to any of you that I caught "watching me" to make it clear that "hey you, I see you watching me, what do you want?"...
But if you don't come back to your senses, use your (oh so fucking many) brains for 2 minutes and understand & accept that whatever you think is happening is pure fantasy, I will start to actually play with you: I will do random signs/waving/smiles/winks/hearts to people that are not you nor my friends, I will throw "sus looking" stuff on the floor, behind heaters and in the trashes so you'll be forced to check what it is, I will go put and remove stuff from my bag ten times a night just so you have to follow me downstairs, I will move around so much on the dancefloors you'll have to have even more "look out" than you have now to keep watch everywhere. If you want me to act like I'm doing some bad stuff in the club, I can oblige. Seeing how easily you suspect & follow people just because we smiled at each others while dancing, or because they "used their phones near me" (the one who came up with that had to be on crack4), I think I could very easily make your parties way busier than they are now. Are you even enjoying your parties when I'm around anymore?

I'm usually neither an agressive nor confrontational person, I consider that I endured your behavior during more than 2 years like a really good boy, hoping you would see how dumb this story is by yourselves, but I'm really tired of being bullied, harassed and slandered. So if I must, I will do what I can to wear you out the same way you wore me out, and I will enjoy every second of it while it last.
So get a fucking grip: even if it's hard to accept, you have been the "bad guys" for more than 2 years, better acknowledge it now than waste more time and energy chasing a chimera, because you can spend as much time as you want watching me or my friends, there has never been anything to find, except maybe your own madness.
And if you don't stop, then just stay in your own stupidity5, but be ready for the next Good2U, Whole and WL to be some very funny rides, because I plan to be around for all of them.

And if you want to know how this nonsense started (you can be sure I do, but I don't get answers when I ask), I refer you to Luke (@lukeflierl), Marc (@BIERKO) and their blond friend (no idea what's his name, Phil maybe? never seen him again). They were the very first I caught "actively observing me and listening to my conversations" in bh back then. So I consider they started this nonsense (rumor, "stalking" group etc...).

The only positive thing here is that you think me "clever enough"6 to do something so sophisticated that it can happen during 2 YEARS under the nose of 50+ people (and security teams) actively watching me, while teasing them (my winks and hearts are a way for me to "take back control" of the situation, show you I see you and to make you take conscience of what you are doing, I'm not "designating you" to "my accomplices" as you seem to believe now - you can look around or up at the ceiling as much as you want, you and your friends won't see anyone else than me looking at you, "my accomplices" only exist in your head).
I both flattered and insulted that you think that I could be so good at being a "bad guy", but did you realize that by thinking so, you consider anyone actively watching me as useless? You have to be if you really think I would be able to do all that shit while you spend so much manpower, time, energy and organisation to "catch me" but you end up empty-handed. Have you even ever though of how useless that would make you?

To end all this, again, I'm welcoming anyone who want to talk like adults about how that whole situation makes no sense, is extremely toxic, and needs to stop.